He's being a total.. well think of the worst word there is to ever exist and there you got him in a nutshell. The sad thing is I don't know if I can do it any longer. OK, so today, out of thick air, he just started his compliment about my... everything so to speak! And I have been through this shit to many times now, to know that I won't survive another round. That's just the way it is. For all I care he could complain again again, and all over again.. but the thing is, he wouldn't content with that. The one and only thing that could really satisfy him would be if I was out of his home, once and for all - for good! And believe me there is no thing in the world that I would like more, but I have got no financial ground to relay on at the moment, not in a case as big as a moving out! I'll keep you updated. And thanks a lot for being there,'cause I really, truly need it! xoxo