Thursday, January 21, 2010


Dear.. whoever
Life is not as it seems, yet again.... I mean I hate life and I am fucking stuck, you know. I hate him you know.. And I need to break free before something bad happens. Something bad is about to happen.. And I can't take it, you know.. Just can't! You don't get any of this I suppose. But it's pretty simple, at least while you get to know what I am "nagging" about each and every day.. right? How-so-very-ever. I have got to get unstuck, as I like to say it. Unstuck and free, that would be a hope, like a tiny little, very small, light in a massive dark gigantic hole, though , I am sort of sure it's not going to work out the way I've planned it all. Presumably I'm in need of a new plan to get stuck with. Yes! That's what I am going to do.. make a new plan, a struckture to my life... or better yet organize it! Cause this far, I've definitely had enough, with all of them, all of this. Getting out in time could mean saving lives. Sound's kind of creepy doesn't it, well let me tell you something, you haven't even heard creepy yet! This is all about making it out on time!

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